Numeric constants may begin with a numeric digit (0-9) for a decimal constant, &H for a hexadecimal constant, &O for an octal constant or &B for a binary constant. For example &B1000 is the same as the decimal constant 8.
Decimal constants may be preceded with a minus (-) or plus (+) and may terminated with ‘E’ followed by an exponent number to denote exponential notation. For example 1.6E+4 is the same as 16000.
For MMbasic 5.0+: If the decimal constant contains a decimal point or an exponent, it will be treated as a floating point constant; otherwise it will be treated as a 64-bit integer constant.
The following operators, in order of precedence, are recognized. Operators that are on the same level (for example + and -) are processed with a left to right precedence as they occur on the program line.
Arithmetic operators | |
^ | Exponentiation |
/ \ MOD |
division, integer division and modulus (remainder) |
– |
Addition and
subtraction |
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