Connection between the CGMMSTICK1 30-pin connector and VGA, keyboard, and RCA jack (composite video).
Not shown in the schematic is J5, which parallels all of the connections of J1 from pin 11 to pin 30.
The screen resolution for composite display in PAL (default) mode is 304 horizontal, and 216 vertical. Screen resolution in NTSC is 304 horizontal, and 180 vertical.
Use CONFIG COMPOSITE to set either PAL or NTSC. NTSC is used for composite video in the United States.
Composite mode is set using a jumper (or a wire) in place on J4 on the CGMMSTICK which is sampled on power up.
The CGVGAKBD1 board paired up with a CGMMSTICK1 built on a wiring board.
Connections from The CGMMSTICK to CGVGAKBD board should be from pin 1 to pin 1, 2 to 2, etc.
The CGMMSTICK and CGVGAKBD combination can be used as a stand-alone computer.